Friday, March 13, 2009

Mandy Moore +

Seems Mandy Moore (who is labeled a "singer-actress" by got married to her fiancee of one month Ryan Adams (labeled "alternative rocker" again, wtf?).

One month Mandy? What kind of details could you know about a man in one month to make that kind of life-long commitment? Of course, it's not like America will be phased by another celeb romance biting the dust before its time.

Since Adams is 10 years her senior, I hope they stocked up on Viagra, because right when Mandy's ready to get it on all the time, his thingie is going to be LIMP 24/7. That really may not be an issue, since she is probably already pregnant. Bitch, pleeezzzZZe!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lady GaGa and her GooGoo

In an effort to further her image as the world's biggest fashion victim, Lady GaGa wore this ugly leather leotard that looks like it was designed by a NASCAR driver.

Besides the fact that this is the most disgusting garment I've ever seen, there's the fact she wore it to freaking FASHION WEEK IN PARIS!

GaGa is lucky I'm not in charge of making laws, because that craptastic ensemble would net her life in jail!

Also, she REALLY needs to quit saying she's the "next Madonna". I say this with all sincerity: bitch...pleeeeze! Try as she may, no one (especially GaGa) is going to be able to fill her pop star shoes.