Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lady GaGa and her GooGoo

In an effort to further her image as the world's biggest fashion victim, Lady GaGa wore this ugly leather leotard that looks like it was designed by a NASCAR driver.

Besides the fact that this is the most disgusting garment I've ever seen, there's the fact she wore it to freaking FASHION WEEK IN PARIS!

GaGa is lucky I'm not in charge of making laws, because that craptastic ensemble would net her life in jail!

Also, she REALLY needs to quit saying she's the "next Madonna". I say this with all sincerity: bitch...pleeeeze! Try as she may, no one (especially GaGa) is going to be able to fill her pop star shoes.


  1. Next time I'm invited to a costume party, I'm gonna wear this number... everyone will be going GaGa over Caitlin's CooCoo

  2. Leotard??
    More like "reotard".

    Bitch... pleeze!
